
Garden Diary - April 2023

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Flowering Cherry Trees at Branch Brook Park
Wednesday, 5 April 2023

It's that time of year. I watch the weather for sun and temperature, check the Branch Brook Park live cam for color. And today looks like the cherry trees are well in flower. Today's weather is not so wonderful - full overcast and somewhat foggy. It's about an hour's drive to reach the park. Whatever. The cherry trees in bloom will make up for it. After all, there are more than 5,000 of them, more than in Washington D.C. Again, I say, "Whatever." And off I go.

It is interesting that the closer I get to the park, homes on nearby streets also have flowering cherry trees in their front yards.

The pink flowered cherry trees seem to be in early stage of bloom.

The Cherry Blossom Center is undergoing a massive renovation, and is closed until fall.

There are paths for strolling, benches to sit and contemplate the beauty of the trees.

There are a couple of closed roads, and view points from previous visits are not accessible.

What does catch my eye today are the magnificent weeping cherry trees,
such as this beautiful specimen. It is easy to pull over, into the bike lane
as well can be managed. Flashers on, hop out, and take multiple pictures.

New trees are planted, but it is the massive trunks of vintage specimens that are awesome.

There are two small weeping cherry trees near one of the small car parks.
There's a skirt of blossoms at the base. Oddly enough the fallen blossoms

do not look like natural petal fall. Aha! There are some sparrows in the tree
picking off entire flowers and promptly dropping them. How very strange.

Yet another weeping cherry tree adjacent to one of the many viaducts in the park.

Here's another viaduct, over the river. Yellow that you see is forsythia.

There's a photo op bench, with super size pink flowers for
that Instagram worthy moment. I mentioned it to people.

While it was not raining the foggy mist was enough that I had to use my car's wipers
every now and then. This couple had planned a picnic and by golly, they enjoyed it!

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